Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements
An Articulation Agreement indicates courses at a community college that transfer directly into Saint Mary's for major or general requirements.
- Courses that are transferable to the University of California (UC) system from California community colleges or another accredited college or university are typically acceptable at Saint Mary's. However, these must be completed courses with letter marks (rather than, Pass, Satisfactory, or Credit) grades of C- or above to be applied for advanced standing credit toward graduation at Saint Mary's.
- Courses in remedial subjects, vocational fields, secondary school mathematics, and non-academic areas are not acceptable for transfer credit.
- Credit is not given for courses in which grades of D+ or below are received, however, all grades are included in the grade point average. A maximum of 74 lower-division semester credits (111 quarter credits) are transferable to Saint Mary's College.
- For help in determining which of your UC or community college courses are transferable to SMC, we recommend using
- We maintain articulation agreements with numerous California community colleges. Check with your transfer center to see if they have an agreement with Saint Mary's. See the list below.
- Serves as a pathway for seamless transfer, but you do not need to complete each grouping to be eligible to transfer to Saint Mary's College.
American River College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Berkeley City College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Cañada College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Chabot College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
City College of San Francisco
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
College of Alameda
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
College of Marin
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
College of San Mateo
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Contra Costa College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Cosumnes River College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
De Anza College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Diablo Valley College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Evergreen Valley College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Folsom Lake College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Foothill College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Hartnell College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Laney College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Las Positas College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Los Medanos College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Mendocino College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Merritt College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Napa Valley College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Ohlone College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Sacramento City College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
San Joaquin Delta College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Santa Monica College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Santa Rosa Junior College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Shasta College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Sierra College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Skyline College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
Solano Community College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement
West Valley College
Core Curriculum Articulation Agreement